Lucky Dragon Green Tea is a fine quality Young Hyson grade Chinese Green Tea.
Traditionally manufactured this tea is non fermented and is only produced in small crafted batches. Traditionally this tea was brewed up to three times and in olden days the tea leaves left at the bottom of the cup were read to reveal your fortune!
This tea is a calm, delicious, and naturally energizing staple of the cabinet. With notes of toasted grass and green buds grown in Japan, Green Tea has a bouquet of effects tea lovers can enjoy. From being full of vitamins and digestive-aiding compounds to promoting gentle awareness and mental clarity: Green Tea is very healthy for both the body and mind. Our blend of Green Tea is loose leaf, clear, and full of flavour. It is made to be steeped for just 3-4 minutes in hot water and served by itself, or with a sweetener.
Other benefits include assistance in weight loss, blood sugar stabilization, and antioxidant promotion, overall this traditional tea is a great boost to the immune system.
Always loose leaf, never any preservatives, additives or flavourings allowing nature to shine.
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